What makes you unique as a therapist?
You are a traveler of galaxies and dimensions
You have a portal in your house!
You are a witch and medicine woman that must have been so for many lifetimes.
I would LOVE to receive a healing with a snake skin draped over me- as yet I haven’t but this surely makes you unique as a therapist!!
An ability to SEE and Feel a person including their Aura
Your energy feels like a being who holds Ancient Wisdom and with a clear simplicity.
You have a face that looks very similar to a Jaguar!
What would I recommend you for?
A healer
A conversational therapist 😁
A bullshit detector that cuts through it all with razor sharpness.
Alchemy ✨
I’ve never tried your magic potions/Elixir ✨ but I have heard them being stirred and brewed whilst receiving a healing 😊
Moon Meditations- off the scale Amazing! Guided and channeled by you on a deep journey with the Moon and feeling like I was with the whole group. I really received so much more than I expected these meditations were very healing for me. As well that you translated into English at the same time, I so appreciated that. Epic!
Why would I recommend you?
Because you are such a Wonderful combination of Compassion, honesty, and you have softness and a fierceness that kicks ass when necessary!
And because my journey of healing with you has been so transformative ❤️
Why do I feel safe with you?
You are someone I instantly felt at home with.
I felt I could say anything without feeling any judgement.
You were fearless in my my fear.
You felt grounded and solid.
Your love of nature and animals and innocence.
You have really healthy boundaries.
And I Thank you eternally! And I miss chatting with you and I am learning how Wild amazing women are rare and I feel so blessed to meet them on my path 🥰
Love to you 🤗
Du har ett hjärta som ger lyssnar ler och tar emot precis som livet 💖
Ante Larsson
Jag har haft både samtal, behandling och meditation med dig
1 Du lyssnar in och känner in vad just jag behövde
2 Jag kan rekommendera dig till allt det som jag själv upplevt med dig i dina behandlingar mm
3. Jag rekommenderar dig för du är professionell och otroligt duktig samt stor erfarenhet.
4. Du är en person man känner tillit och förtroende för med en gång. Tack vara ditt ödmjuka och inbjudande så känner man trygghet och det är viktig för mig
5 Du är en glad spontan och givmild kvinna som gärna delar med dig av din erfarenhet. Och så har du skrivit en magisk bok♥️
Tack ♥️
Helene Amethista Spring Jansson