Jonna 2021/
Du känner in mig, och läser av mig. Ställer frågor vad jag vill behandla idag. Accepterar inte alltid dom enkla svaren, just för du läser av hela mig när jag svarar. Du har en hederskodex som att det som handlar om personlig integritet stannar hos dig. När behandlingen är klar, så är den klar först när jag är redo. Att du är en fantastisk healer och terapeut, du är bra på att formulera frågor. Konkret och direkt.
You are the best treatment trainer ever ❤️
Yasmin Ahmed – Cairo 2021
Du jobbar i lager som ingen annan. Traditionella via dina utbildningar och praktik av samtal i kombination av att du känner in. Tänk vad du får fram och hjälper till med! Ingen har den kombon. Och du gör det andliga konkret. Din erfarenhet och dina unika talanger och förmågor i det jag beskrivit ovan. Jag vet vilken skillnad du kan göra, jag är trygg med dig, man bara är det. Ditt väsen är sånt. Anna M/ 2021

What makes you unique as a therapist?
You are a traveler of galaxies and dimensions
You have a portal in your house!
You are a witch and medicine woman that must have been so for many lifetimes.
I would LOVE to receive a healing with a snake skin draped over me- as yet I haven’t but this surely makes you unique as a therapist!!
An ability to SEE and Feel a person including their Aura
Your energy feels like a being who holds Ancient Wisdom and with a clear simplicity.
You have a face that looks very similar to a Jaguar!
What would I recommend you for?
A healer
A conversational therapist 😁
A bullshit detector that cuts through it all with razor sharpness.
Alchemy ✨
I’ve never tried your magic potions/Elixir,but I have heard them being stirred and brewed whilst receiving a healing 😊
Moon Meditations- off the scale Amazing! Guided and channeled by you on a deep journey with the Moon and feeling like I was with the whole group. I really received so much more than I expected these meditations were very healing for me. As well that you translated into English at the same time, I so appreciated that. Epic!
Why would I recommend you?
Because you are such a Wonderful combination of Compassion, honesty, and you have softness and a fierceness that kicks ass when necessary!
And because my journey of healing with you has been so transformative ❤️
Why do I feel safe with you?
You are someone I instantly felt at home with.
I felt I could say anything without feeling any judgement.
You were fearless in my my fear.
You felt grounded and solid.
Your love of nature and animals and innocence.
You have really healthy boundaries.
And I Thank you eternally! And I miss chatting with you and I am learning how Wild amazing women are rare and I feel so blessed to meet them on my path 🥰
Love to you 🤗 /// Sarah 2021
Du har ett hjärta som ger lyssnar ler och tar emot precis som livet 💖
Ante Larsson
Jag har haft både samtal, behandling och meditation med dig. Du lyssnar in och känner in vad just jag behövde. Jag kan rekommendera dig till allt det som jag själv upplevt med dig i dina behandlingar mm. Jag rekommenderar dig för du är professionell och otroligt duktig samt stor erfarenhet. Du är en person man känner tillit och förtroende för med en gång. Tack vara ditt ödmjuka och inbjudande så känner man trygghet och det är viktig för mig. Du är en glad spontan och givmild kvinna som gärna delar med dig av din erfarenhet. Och så har du skrivit en magisk bok♥️
Tack ♥️ Helene Amethista Spring Jansson
I highly recommend Ewa as a Conversational Therapist. You will be so grateful you have chosen to work with her. She is an amazingly thoughtful and an incredibly enlightened powerful therapist who can guide you through any challenging life experience. You will come away feeling empowered, nurtured, heard and a feeling of being massively grounded and balanced. When we started, I was going through a huge transition in my life. The way that Ewa holds space and gives support is incredible. I feel safe and held. I am really able to open up and be vulnerable with myself. She has guided me, through conversation, to see for myself, my patterns and why I have created these patterns in the first place. Which in return has helped me recognize when similar patterns arise in my life. I check them right away, tune into myself and my body and make a best choice for myself. So empowering! Ewa is so powerful and intuitive by nature and she has so many tools in her box that has helped me in my transition! I am so grateful to have her facilitate this challenging yet exciting time in my life. /// Joss H – September 2021
During the course of a 5* Spa pre-opening in China I was able to observe Ewa teaching a class to Non-English-Speaking students our Spa Operating standards, Ewa speaks no Chinese but still managed to have the class engaged and eager to absorb what she was teaching. The class, all fed back well on her classes and all are performing their duties to the standards we require. An effective teacher….
Richard Grew // Resenses Spa -2012
Ewa DeMahina is an extraordinary healer. Lets call her a human vacuum cleaner !! She is a multidimensional therapist capable of clearing your entire system. She is kind, funny, generous, warm hearted and easy going to meet. One is immediately aware of big eyes that have a deeply intuitive vision and insight into the other. I was not threatened by her gaze. She is down to earth, with a no nonsense pragmatic approach, and yet her way of seeing is original , poetic and involving. She is present, and her intention is strong and clear. She uses various tools: feathers, rattlers, sounding, energy work, touch and much more. This is a creative and fluid dance, and the seven bodies are being met, toned, balanced, and cleared. I quickly fell into an altered state and felt much energetic movement in the process….. No annoying “hook up”, that may occur in sessions that are often labeled “shamanic”….. you know …. looking up at your therapist channeling some mega energy, shaking and trembling, whilst you feel nothing !! I was very tangibly sensing holes closing or excesses being drained, and the physical form being adjusted with energy work at 1 to 2 m from the body. Things were being pulled out especially from the belly area. A deep process around the heart and an entity removal occurred . Layers and layers were being removed. Slowly over 2 hrs the body became lighter and crystal clear. The chakras felt balanced, the body soft and open, and the mind at rest. After I took a walk and met a friend in the market place who hugged me. In my neutral open space i felt very exactly the emotional energy of the other flow into me and occupy this neutral space. This work takes time to integrate and affected me and my heart during the following week. This is a kind of healing capacity that cannot be learned or trained, but may be awarded the love, care and dedication that Ewa has given her gift. It is the life time odyssey of the vocational healer, carried since childhood. She is at once Child, Woman, Crone, High Priestess and Fool …. and she doesn’t mess around …. this is the real deal. // Simon Geddes 2016
Tillsammans med dig känner jag att jag är medelpunkten. Du inger trygghet, lugn och jag vet att det är kring mig du fokuserar. Jag kan nästan höra vad du tänker nu. Du ger så mycket av dig själv som ger mig ett välbefinnande, styrka och önskan att kunna gå vidare. Lite svårt ibland att uttrycka men jag är så glad och tacksam att du finns i mitt liv ❤Gunilla Karlsson – 2021.
Din intuition, rakhet, inte många levande häxor i nu tid… härligt att du bejakar det och därmed hjälper andra. Du har förmågan att blåsa liv tillbaka i en. Svårt att sätta ord på det som inte går att förklara i den här världen. Du är professionell, närvarande, respektfull, klok. Sia S 2021
Thank you Ewa DeMahina for an amazing healing last night. I was becoming quite desperate as I had a severe lower back and neck issue due to a lot of teaching without time to recoup. I now walk with ease and can sit without pain. Your touch and intuition are a true gift. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and recommend you to anyone who is serious about having a deep healing. Blessings my sweet sister. / Hetty Driessen 2020
Du har varit min fyr i mörkret
Louise C
Ewa väver en magisk väv med fötterna på jorden // Aditi Blomgren 2020
You are an amazing teacher and I am grateful that I also have access to your method MindBodyAwakening back in 2004, these skills have been a perfect base and complementary to my other techniques as a midwife and yoga facilitator. There is a beauty and tremendous overall robustness of the concept! // Renee Hallberg – Sweden 2014 ///
Ewa har fantastiska gåvor! Jag har varit med på flera meditationer och de är så givande, vackra och underbara att alla borde vara med här! Ewa är trygg, kraftfull, ödmjuk och har en beundransvärd kontakt med naturen, energier och Moder Jord. Helt magiskt! Jag rekommenderar både meditationer och andra behandlingar! /// Cecilia Lycke 2020
There are no words to describe how deeply blessed I am feeling to have my friend and Earth Mamma teacher Ewa Demahina in my life.. without her gifts of love, wisdom, teachings and friendship I would not be the woman I am today. I have travelled a lot around the world and been to many, many facilitators of healing and she is by far my favorite out of ALL of them… (she does Skype distance too which I discovered last night are just as awesome). // Lili ”Frances Kerr” Ubud, Bali april 14th 2015 // //
Har både deltagit på ceremonier och fått healing av Ewa och har bara positivt att säga om hur hon jobbar. Mjukt och kraftfullt. Hon hjälpte mig i en tuff period i mitt liv med någonting jag aldrig trodde skulle släppa, men hon hjälpte mig igenom på ett fantastiskt vackert sätt /// Indra 2020
Ewa is for me perfect image of being an „earthy spirit“ – being spiritual and still very much down to earth. I learnt through her that dealing with energies and spirits can be so much fun and that sincerity and fun are not contradictory. Ewa has many faces I admire – the friend, the teacher, the healer, the body consciousness, the man, the woman, the soft gentle me, the witch, the laughter, honesty, trust, patience, the believer, the doer, the beauty, the moon, directness, the mountain goat,…
Ewa supported me a lot to heal emotional, spiritual and mental aspects of my life and she was teaching me healing techniques I now apply on my own clients. As I am quite stubborn, it was not an easy one for her. In the moments when I gave up myself she kept going, believing in me and trusting in me. She stayed with me no matter how moody I was. No matter how much I tried to find ways of sneaking out of my own healing process, she always knew how to bring me back on track and keep me focused. Taking loving care and teaching me at the same time, that is still in my own responsibility. Well, what else do you need?
Ewa’s treatments and teachings are not to be missed. Already the part experienced on a conscious level may be mind-blowing. Not to mention what is happening on the subconscious level. Are you ready to go through a new door of consciousness – go and see Ewa.
Doris Pum – Austria 2013 ///
Ewa is a truly loving, warm hearted and loyal. She is a life companion who always has a laugh, a hug and a cup of warm tea for her friends. Nothing would be too awkward to say to Ewa; she would listen with an open mind and you would trust her honest intent in every situation. Ewa is full of life, energy and adventure, but also of silence, meditation, reflection and calm. Ewa spreads her light, and we who are touched by it rejoice. Ewa has the capacity to laugh in the darkest moment, and to make others do the same.She is the mere representation of “stubborn” and will find a way, whether that way existed before or not. She is powerful, effective in action and has a hand with both living and material things, such as plants, animals, constructions and interior design. Ewa always manages to create a cosy home wherever she goes. Somehow she also seems to know everyone, even if she never met them before. A true talent that makes her projects succeed. Since her journey through life has taken her through wuthering heights and the darkest valleys, she is well acquainted with both, a strength that makes her trustworthy, honest and… yeah, I would say… cool. As a professional within the field of complimentary and spiritual medicine, Ewa is extremely experienced. Her multitude of skills, coming from both a range of extensive educations and programs, as well as from her long practice and depth of work, are all brought together to a truly Holistic standing point, where all aspects of our beings are considered. Though being knowledgeable regarding our physical constitution, Ewa goes beyond treating the body only; treating the mind, thoughts, emotions and spirit as well. Due to her own personal journey, Ewa has an unusual, clear and open mind to what it means to handle our lives as human beings. /// Lena Frilund 2013 //
Ms. Ewa is a remarkable woman with many talents and a wonderful nurturing personality. I have had the pleasure of knowing Ewa over the last 10 years both as a person and a professional. She has the ability to teach and conform teams and individuals beyond any standard norm I have experienced in the Spa and Wellness industry. The ability to grow people, while infusing confidence and understanding for the set responsibilities and outcome. To create order in chaos, as if she had a magic wand. Ewa is also a gifted therapist with a wide array of therapies in her skill set, including her own developed programs for Mindfulness and wellbeing. /// Monica Risenius /// May 2015
Ren magi. Befriande skrattsalvor! Högfrekvent eterisk healing. Proffsigt. Intuitivt tog du tag i de energiplatser som behövde renas/balanseras/vägledas. Du visade var och vad jag behövde göra för att släppa/öppna/ta plats i den fysiska kroppen. Kommer ta ett tag att grow som crystalhard balls, så jag återkommer nog. Ser fram emot att se dig igen fantastiska gudomliga själ Ewa! /// Annie Ljung 2019
I would be delighted to give you an insight into what a joy it has been to work with Ewa during her time as international trainer at Auriga spa, Capella Singapore. She has been training award winning Auriga spa team of therapists during pre-opening training period in 2009 as well as follow up trainings in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Ewa is a dedicated, passionate, intuitive trainer and practitioner. All therapists look very much forward to spend time with Ewa during her visits. Therapists learn much more than massage and spa treatment but ways of holistic care, intention and connection with the guests. This kind of specialized training allows therapists to provide most positive and healing treatments. Ewa is very generous sharing her knowledge and talent. She incorporates various methods of training therapists, including meditation and energy healing. The standards of Ewa’s trainings are consistent, reliable and unique. Ewa’s contribution to Auriga spa success in invaluable and allowed us to achieve 5 star Forbes rating as the only spa in Singapore in 2011 with such rating. I would highly recommend Ewa for spa therapists’ trainings, workshops or any other healing/ massage sessions. Should you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me. /// Alsu Abdulina, Director of Auriga spa, 16th of February, 2013
Djup tacksamhet till dig Ewa du är en klar kanal till Mångudinnan vilken uppgradering vi fick idag att höja sig över den här gamla unkna illusionen vi levt i i tusentals år ………. för mig känns det helt klart att vi rensat och förflyttat oss upp på en ny nivå. Du är en underbar guide det är lätt att följa dig och du gör ett fantastiskt arbete I lööööve you 😃❤️ // 🙏 Marianne Northon – 2020
I did not know that distant healing could work, but you Ewa is incredible what abilities you have. I have learned that you are in two places at once. Pader Pio who was a very holy Franciscan monk who lived in the 1900’s (think hand-died 1960 something) was said to be in several places at once. I understand that it must have been true. You are amazing, thank you, I will read your movie again.
All love from Andrea Olow – November 2012 ///
Dear pretty witch, star rider, broom lady, Swedish nut caseThank you so much!!! for all the incredible work you are doing, for the community, for the Earth, for me personally! I learned so much and I am sure that much of the seeds that were planted with your help will keep unfolding and grow. You’re truly an incredible, inspiring, wise and beautiful woman. I am very exited for all the people that will cross your path and hope that ours will cross again too. Lots of love, hugs and smiles . /// Liza – Holland 2012

I received one massage/healing session from you in Peru and I will NEVER forget it. You “poured yourself” into me with love and healing. I felt completely safe and filled and surrounded with love. You were and are a blessings to me and I am grateful to the Universe for you. Thank you for the work that you do…you are indeed a Healer, a Goddess, a Light Worker… I sure hope our paths cross again some day! 😘 /// Carol Hill-Masters 2021
Jag känner hur jag drar ett djupt andetag och släpper in livet när du kommer upp i mitt flöde Ewa 🥰 Tack för det. Förmår ta tag i min själ, som att krama ett träd. Du jordar /// Caroline T 2021